QuinnThomas Public Affairs

Rick Thomas

RICK THOMAS, Partner, Quinn Thomas Public Affairs, P: 503.789.2115, E: rick@quinnthomas.com, Rick Thomas’ experience in media relations, public policy and political campaigns spans over fifteen years and includes seven legislative sessions and numerous special sessions as both a lobbyist and advisor to legislative leaders. Additionally, he has been involved in over 75 different legislative, congressional, statewide, and ballot measure campaigns. He is sought after because of his experience, integrity, and strong relationships. Rick brings clients comprehensive, tested advice and the relationships to create results. The Governor’s office has called on Rick to present to agency heads and lobbyists on the legislative process and effective lobbying techniques. Rick is also a frequent presenter before associations and campaign schools on lobbying strategies, the legislative process, and media relations techniques. Words to live by: “All you really have in this business is your reputation.” Community Activities & Recognition, Oregon State University Alumni Association, Portland Alumni Network Board, Dorchester Conference, Past President, Independent Electrical Contractors, National Executive Director of the Year

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